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Support Groups

Below is a list of our support group locations. Interested persons must speak with the group coordinator before attending a meeting. If a particular coordinator cannot be reached, please call the UNITE Voice Mail at 484-758-0002 , or you may email us at .

There is NO fee for attending a UNITE Group Support Meeting
UNITE, Inc. Support Groups

New Jersey
Subsequent Pregnancy Support
Fathers Only Support
Loving Choices (Termination for Medical Reasons)
Parenting After Loss
aGrandparents Support


UNITE Notes, our quarterly newsletter, and individual group lending libraries are available to members.  View past editions of UNITE Notes & sign up to receive future editions on the newsletter page.


For information about the newsletter, call 484-758-0002 , or email


Educational Programs: 
In-services for hospital staff and other professionals.  Programs for bereaved parents and the community. 

Training Workshops: 
For grief support counselors, caregivers, and group facilitators.