Donate to UNITE Inc. by card or with PayPal
Sign up at! Our group ID number is 149030260. Many local and national stores participate in this program and will send us a percentage of your purchases. Click the escrip link for more details. |
How You Can Help
Interested in helping UNITE support bereaved parents?
Sponsor a Newsletter – Can you or your company sponsor a newsletter?
Facilitator Training
Cost $800.00 – (covers the cost to pay trainers)
Give through United Way!
Our organization is a donor choice option of the PA Southeastern Campaign. Our United Way number is 06604.
Give a gift in memory of or in honor of someone special in your life!
All donations are greatly appreciated and will be acknowledged with a personalized card, and will be printed in 'UNITE Notes'. Many local employers will match all or part of your gift. See your company's human resources department for details.
We can always use help with mailings, copying and other business. Do you have a special skill such as general marketing, fundraising, grant writing or other professional experience that would benefit our non-profit? Please let us know!
Training is held annually for those interested in group facilitation or grief support roles. Check with your local support group or contact us through the UNITE tape.
Each donation, no matter how big or small, is greatly appreciated and ensures that we will be there to assist the next family. Please help us to continue our mission.
Call 484-758-0002 for more information, or email us at
Donations are tax-deductible, as allowable by law.
UNITE, Inc., is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization.
Butterfly Memory Wall
Help UNITE Inc. fill our Memory Wall with butterflies representing our precious babies. Purchase a virtual butterfly for $25.00 and have it fill up the space below.
Hover over each butterfly or CLICK HERE to see the dedication for each butterfly.